My passion for the Arabian horse started over 30 years ago with the purchase of a half Arabian.
Entering the show ring was new and thrilling, especially the idea of showing in the native costume class. This started the adventure of making costumes, first for myself, then for others. The shapes, designs and colors have changed greatly throughout the years. Looking back, some of the costumes and the classes were really “interesting”. But that’s what makes costume designing challenging….coming up with new ideas, new fabrics and new trims. I love what I do and the journey. It is fun and rewarding. I can’t imagine doing anything else.
WITH ONE EXCEPTION! I still love to show horses. In 2013, I took time off to return to the show ring. Taking our multi National Champion halter mare, JS Heiress Afire +++/ and putting her into performance training was challenging, and rewarding. She had a great show season, with her final show of the season being the U.S. Nationals. She was shown in ½ Arabian Hunter Pleasure earning a Top Ten (4th) with trainer Kimberly VerHage, and for me, a Top Ten in AOTR.
The costume world and the horse show world are a great combination for all of us. It doesn’t get better than this!
Lynne Chevallier
California Arabian Costumes